Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wild Mushroom Soup

With my new Braun mixer I also cooked mushroom soup for dinner the other night. One serving in restaurants usually sells for about SGD 6 to 8 dollars, while by cooking it at home you not only spend only about SGD 2 for 2 servings, you also get to control the amount of salt and butter in it. This recipe, adapted from BBC Food, tastes as good as those served in good restaurants.

30g shallots, chopped
25 g butter
200g fresh wild mushrooms (I used fresh shitake mushrooms, or you can use a mix of buna or shimeji mushrooms)
430ml water or chicken stock
Salt to taste

-Heat some butter till the foam has just disappeared. Sweat the shallots for about 3 min. Add the mushrooms and continue sweating for 5 min. Add the water / chicken stock. Simmer for about 25 min. Salt to taste. Using a blender, puree till fine. Pass it through a sieve if you prefer a finer texture or serve as if, if you prefer a more rustic flavour. Add a dollop of white truffle oil (optional) when serving. Serves 2.

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