Just from reading this blog it may seem that my greatest love is for food, but in fact the real passion of my life is reading. I simply love to read. I devour books. I HAVE to read every single day, at least 30 minutes or I can't go to sleep.
So what a treat it was to find that
Borders had stocked a whole range of these classics from Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Henry James, to beloved children's stories like Wind in the Willows, the Railway Children, Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island! These were going for practically nothing - after a 40% discount at only SGD3 each (imagine, buying Anna Karenina or Crime & Punishment at that price)! I couldn't help feeling sad though that in the half hour that I squatted in front of the shelf deliberating on which four books to get, no one else came near despite the display being given prominence near the entrance of the shop. Guess reading is not really in fashion these days.
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