Sunday, May 20, 2007

Homemade Pizza

Home-made pizza for lunch today. Looks ugly but tastes yummy. I made the dough, and topped it with tomato paste (you can also use spaghetti mix out of a jar), ham, porcini mushrooms, sundried tomatos, anchovies, and topped it with shredded mozarella cheese. The advantage of making it yourself is that you can make the crust as thin and crispy as you like, and add lots of exotic toppings without breaking the bank. Total cost price for three medium pizzas, $8 (excluding the cost of labour of course!).

Pizza Dough:
150 g plain flour
7 g of yeast, mixed with 90ml of lukewarm water (the yeast is the most important ingredient - do not kill your yeast by having the water too hot)
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp olive oil
Mix the flour with the yeast mixture, sugar, salt and olive oil. Rest for 30 min, covered. Roll out dough into round flat pancakes, turn up the rim with fingers. Makes about 2 small-medium pizzas, thin crust.

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